All homemade finger paints shown below are non-toxic, so if some gets into babies mouth or he/she decide to paint themselves, don’t fret, let them go WILD! All recipes come off skin and clothes easily with no mess. Finger Paints should be stored in air tight containers for future use. Homemade finger paints can also be used a bath time for drawing on the walls.
Non-Toxic Finger Paint Recipes
Finger Paint Made With Flour
3 tbsp oil
3 cups water (boiling)
2 packs unsweetened Kool Aid (colors of your choice)
1/2 cup salt
2 cups flour
In two separate bowls mix all dry ingredients in one and wet in another. Then mix together and stir.
Finger Paint Made With Corn Starch
Food Coloring
2 cups water
1/2 cup cornstarch
In a small saucepan mix cornstarch and water. Boil mixture until it becomes thick. Set aside to cool. Once cool add drops of food coloring until you get your desired color.
More crafts to do with kids:
How to make water color paints